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    SKU: 071692
    Manufacturer part number: 1040-24200
    GTIN: 5203068242008

    AS Games Board Game What Do You Meme? Fresh Memes Expansion Pack For Ages 18+

    Manufacturer: AS
    AS Games Board Game What Do You Meme? Fresh Memes Expansion Pack For Ages 18+


    More memes for more game nights! You are fabulus and you deserve it! Don't forget that the basic version of What Do You Meme? is required to play. Compete with friends to create the funniest memes! To do this, use one of your captions, making the funniest combination with the photo played in each round. The judge will decide which is the funniest MEME, so choose a caption that matches judge's sense of humor to win the photo! The player with the most photos at the end of the game, is the memeloard of the gang! Number of Players: 3-20 + Age Suitability: 18+ Years Average Game Duration: 30-90 minutes The game includes 90 caption cards (captions) 25 photo card (photos) 16 cards *The game includes caption cards and photo cards to add to the core What Do You Meme? game The product has content that is strictly for adults 18 years and older.
    Manufacturer Main Part Number1040-24200
    Manufacturer Secondary Part Number
    DescriptionGreek Pack / Carton Box
    Tarrif Code95.
    Measuring UnitPiece
    PackagingClosed Box-Paper
    Width11.10 cm
    Length4.00 cm
    Height16.40 cm
    Gross Weight0.370 kg
    Net Weight0.370 kg
    Volume0.000728 m3
    Measuring UnitPack.8
    Width12.50 cm
    Length32.00 cm
    Height19.50 cm
    Gross Weight3.250 kg
    Net Weight2.960 kg
    Volume0.0078 m3